- 基本情况
- 教育工作经历
[1] 2011.6, 中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业,获学士学位;
[2] 2016.6, 中国石油大学(北京)地质学专业,获博士学位;
[3] 2016.7-2019.5, 中国石油大学(北京)地质资源与地质工程专业,博士后流动站;
[4] 2017. 8-2018. 8, 亚琛工业大学(RWTH)地球化学所, 访问学者;
[5] 2019. 5—至今,中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心实验研究中心。
- 参与项目经历
[1] 油气地质调查钻井岩心保存参数采集与应用,2019至今,在研,项目副负责;
[2] 不同尺度页岩结构与成分参数测试方法研究,2019至今,在研,项目副负责;
[3] 高成熟干气分子标志物检测技术,2018-2019,已结题,项目骨干;
[4] 四川盆地乐山-龙女寺古隆起油气成藏演化规律研究,2016-2019,已结题,参项目骨干。
- 第一作者学术论文
[1] Ronghui Fang, Ralf Littke*, Laura Zieger, Alireza Baniasad, Meijun Li, Jan Schwarzbauer. Changes of composition and content of tricyclic terpane, hopane, sterane, and aromatic biomarkers throughout the oil window: A detailed study on maturity parameters of Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale of the Hils Syncline, NW Germany, Oragnic Geochemistry, 2019, 138, 103928.
[2] Ronghui Fang, Meijun Li*, Haitao Lu, Tieguan Wang, Yuan Yuan, Yongli Liu, Zhiyong Ni. Oil charging history and pathways of the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Tuoputai region, Tarim Basin, NW China, Petroleum Science, 2017, 14(4), 662-675.
[3] Ronghui Fang, Meijun Li*, Tieguan Wang, Xiaoqiang Liu, Yuan Yuan, Weidong Jiang, Daowei Wang, Shengbao Shi. Trimethyldibenzothiophenes: Molecular tracers for filling pathways in oil reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 159, 451-460.
[4] Ronghui Fang, Tieguan Wang, Meijun Li*, Zhongyao Xiao, Baoshou Zhang, Shaoying Huang, Shengbao Shi, Daowei Wang, Weilong Deng. Dibenzothiophenes and benzo[b]naphthothiophenes: Molecular markers for tracing oil filling pathways in the carbonate reservoir of the Tarim Basin, NW China, Oragnic Geochemistry, 2016, 91,68-80.
[5] Ronghui Fang, Meijun Li*, Tieguan Wang, Liwen Zhang, Shengbao Shi. Identification and distribution of pyrene, methylpyrenes and their isomers in rock extracts and crude oils, Oragnic Geochemistry, 2015, 83-84, 65-76.